61Five Health & Wellness First Visit Forms


IV therapy patients are required to fill out a short form listing current symptoms, medical history, and medications. This will help our practitioner safely identify the best IV treatment for your needs.

Treatment times range depending on the size of vein our practitioner is able to access. Additives in your IV hydration treatment may also require slower drip speeds for maximum efficiency. A good estimate for IV treatment would be around 30-45 min for 1,000mL of fluid.
Yes, we do come to you or can be available at the clinic after hours if we have availability. Please call or text 615.521.0707 to set up after hours or on location IV service. Please be aware that these kind of treatments are only provided if we have a provider available. We also typically required a booking deposit or after hours fee on top of our normal IV therapy pricing.
When you arrive for your first visit we will have you fill out a brief form that covers your medical health history and medications. One of our weight loss specialists will then review your history with you and decide which program will work best. We will obtain your height, weight and waist measurement to provide us a baseline for our goals. Our weight loss specialist will then review our program and specialize it according to your individual needs. We provide all medication necessary for the program on-site.

New patient visits are between 30-45 minutes dependent on your goals and questions.

Return patient visits will be between 15-20 min at this time. We will review your personal progress and address any questions or obstacles.
In order for our skin health provider to understand your aesthetics and skin care history we ask that you fill out the below form. This form will cover a few items helpful for our practitioner to review with you during your initial aesthetics consultation. From there we will make recommendations regarding which aesthetics services would best suit your needs or goals including but not limited to: Botox, Fillers, Micro-Needling, Skin Peels, Kybella, or other skin care options.

Patients being seen for aesthetics REQUIRE an appointment. We ask that first time patients arrive at least 30 minutes prior to closing. The best way to schedule an appointment is to call us at (615)401-9380 or create your appointment through our easy to use online booking site.

All information presented in this website is intended for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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