Easy Ways to Burn Calories and Start Losing Weight Today

Below are 6 Quick and Easy Ways to Burn Calories without Stepping Foot in the Gym

1.) Climb Stairs – This is a simple way to burn calories in the privacy of your own home. Climbing stairs benefits not only your heart but your muscles as well. Walking up and down 4 sets of stairs a day burns off an average of 116 calories. Try making excuses to go up the stairs, it will pay off in the future.

2.) Jumping Jacks – These are another easy way to burn off calories. They can be done
indoors or outdoors and require no equipment. Doing a quick 10 minutes of jumping jacks burns off an average of 90 calories!

3.) Jog in Place – Jogging in place during tv commercials can be beneficial as well. Who knew that you could watch your favorite show and burn calories at the same time. Jogging for 5 minutes burns off an average of 45 calories. Try making a game out of this.

4.) Push Mow the Lawn – Save money and burn calories all at the same time. Mowing the lawn is a great way to get the heart muscle pumping, while also getting the Vitamin D our body needs from the sun! Mowing for an hour burns off an average of 325 calories.

5.) Bathe the Dog – Another great way to save money, keep your dog happy and burn off calories. Bathing your dog burns off an average of 170 calories per hour and keeps guests from unpleasant smells as well.

6.) Gardening – This is another simple way to burn calories while improving the outward appeal of your home. Gardening for an hour burns off around 250 calories.

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61Five Health and Wellness is a medical weight loss clinic that specializes in long-term weight reduction in Nashville, TN. We provide patients with individualized tools and resources that help assist in lifelong weight loss.

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